Everybody Shut Up

Short Documentary
Tube Chat
Production company
Project type
Short Documentary
Project year
Project Length
13 minutes

Alone is the new happy.

We have learnt to live without the company of others, not fully acknowledging and comprehending this reality. We seem to have forgotten the importance of real social interaction in our lives.

The film went on to have a successful film festival run at numerous festivals including Oscar-qualifying Hot Springs Documentary and BAFTA-qualifying Aesthetica Film Festival.

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I really enjoyed the film, with the irony being it is more prescient during Covid times than pre Covid—as we have been forced to lose our social, face to face, connectivity!

Sir Cary Cooper


Starring -

Cary Cooper

Bencie Woll

Polly Akhurst

Director - George O'Reilly

Producer - Michelle Milanko

Cinematographer - Max Brunner

Editor - Brandon Konieczny

Composer - William Jennings

Colourist - Emily Russul Saib By Encore Post

Sound Recordist - Theo Jessel

Conform Editor - Nick Pratt

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